Do I need to make an appointment with a notary before getting married?

Sophie Sabot-Barcet, notary, answers Marc's question: should I make an appointment with a notary before getting married?

Yes, to find out beforehand and receive advice on the choice of matrimonial property regime.

Marriage is a contract between the parties. 

If you don't go to a notary, you'll be married in community. Depending on their situation, there may be another matrimonial regime that's more interesting for them?

If you don't sign a marriage contract, you're married under the legal regime of community property. From the moment you marry, all property you acquire becomes common property, with the exception of property inherited or given to you. 

You can also choose the regime of legal community, but you still need to go and see your notary, because he'll be able to listen to you and give you a choice of regimes, and he'll be able to tailor it to your life project.

Au delà du projet de vie il faut prévoir quand ça ira mal ?

Not necessarily when things go wrong. For example, if they want to buy personal property, it's not always possible.