I have accepted my father's estate. Now I want to withdraw. Is this possible?

My father passed away 2 years ago. I hadn't had any contact with him for several years, but I did accept his estate. I've just been contacted by a credit company asking me to repay the loan my father took out for 150,000 euros.
Is it still possible to renounce the estate?  

No. Once you have accepted the inheritance, you cannot go back on this decision (art. 786 al. 1 C. civ.). However, you may ask to be discharged of all or part of this debt, if you can show that you had legitimate grounds for ignoring it when you accepted the estate, and that its amount is such that repayment would seriously damage your own assets (art. 786 al. 2 C. civ.).
Please note: only a judge can authorize this discharge, and the request must be made within 5 months of the day on which you became aware of the debt and its amount (art. 786 al. 3 C. civ.).

Please note: before going to court, it is advisable to check whether payment of the debt incurred by the deceased can still be demanded by the creditor (for example, article L218-2 of the French Consumer Code mentions the following « Professionals' claims for goods or services supplied to consumers are subject to a two-year statute of limitations.»).