Our father passed away. He had remarried and we are 3 children from the first marriage. Our mother-in-law refuses to disclose the information she has on our father's bank accounts. Can the notary in charge of the succession identify them?

Notre père est décédé. Il était remarié et nous sommes 3 enfants du premier lit. Notre belle-mère refuse de communiquer les informations qu’elle détient sur les comptes bancaires de notre père. Le notaire en charge de la succession peut-il les identifier ?

Yes. Indeed, law n° 2014-617 of June 13, 2014, relating to inactive bank accounts and dormant life insurance contracts and the decree of July 25, 2016, allow the notary in charge of settling the succession to consult the National File of Bank and Similar Accounts (FICOBA).

The FICOBA file is managed by the General Directorate of Public Finances, and thus lists all the openings, modifications, and closings of bank accounts.