A few years ago, my mother had her notary draw up a mandate for future protection and appointed me as proxy. I've accepted this responsibility, but I'd like to give it up. Is this possible?

Yes, but under certain conditions. As long as the mandate has not taken effect, you can renounce your status as mandatary (art. 489 al. 2 C. civ. and 492 al. 3 C. civ.). You must notify your decision to your mother, the mandator, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt…
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We are married and have no children. When I die, will my husband inherit my property even though we are married under the separation of property regime?

Yes. When a person dies without descendants, their surviving spouse is entitled to inherit their estate, either alone or in concurrence with the deceased's father and mother (according to articles 756 and 757-1 of the Civil Code). Civil law defines the 'successor' spouse as the surviving, undivorced spouse of the…
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My uncle wants to give me a building plot. I'm married with joint ownership. Will my husband have any rights to the property?

Yes, in principle. When spouses adopt the regime of universal community, all movable and immovable property owned by them on the day of adoption of this regime, and all that they acquire subsequently, are held in common (art. 1526 C. civ.), with the exception of property that is private by…
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We are 3 brothers and sisters who own an undivided piece of farmland. My sister and I want to rent it out, but my brother is against it. Do we all need to agree?

Yes, in principle, if only some of the undivided co-owners wish to enter into a lease on an undivided property, they must hold at least two-thirds of the undivided rights in order to do so. However, this rule does not apply to leases on agricultural real estate (art. 815-3, 4°…
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Following the death of our parents, my brothers and I became joint owners of a property located in a condominium. The general meeting of co-owners is due to be held soon. Can each of us take part in the vote, given that we don't get along?

No. When a condominium is held by undivided co-owners, the indivision as a whole is represented by a joint agent chosen by the undivided co-owners. In the case of a disagreement, the representative is appointed by the president of the court to which the matter has been referred either by…
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I've just bought an apartment in Lyon following the transfer I obtained. I'm currently working in Bordeaux and will be staying there for a few more months. Can I rent out my property in Lyon until I move in?

Yes, but only under certain conditions. When a specific event, of a professional or family nature, justifies your taking over the rented premises, you can enter into a lease for a period of less than 3 years but at least 1 year (art. 11, al. 1 law n°89-462 of July…
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My husband and I have been living apart for several years and no longer have any contact. I found out that he's started a new life. Is it possible to deprive him of all the rights to my estate?

No. Subject to the absence of children and the predecease of the deceased's father and mother, the surviving (non-divorced) spouse is entitled to the full inheritance of his or her spouse (art. 757-2 C. civ.). Although you can reduce your husband's rights by bequeathing your assets to whomever you wish…
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A few years ago, my mother signed a mandate for future protection and appointed me as her proxy. Today, she seems to be losing her memory and isn't always aware of what she's doing. How do I go about implementing this measure?

If it appears that your mother is no longer capable of looking after her own interests, you must inform her of your intention to implement the mandate. Her condition must then be certified by a doctor chosen from a list drawn up by the public prosecutor. This medical certificate and…
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The father of my child, a minor, has passed away. He was a big spender and I know that he had applied for an over indebtedness procedure. I would like to renounce the estate in my child's name. What is the procedure?

To renounce an estate in the name of a minor, you must first obtain the agreement of the family affairs judge acting as guardianship judge at your local court. To do so, you need to send him or her a request using the Cerfa form n°15811*03. Once the authorization has…
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